
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

McDonald's resolves standoff with lingering elderly


McDonald's resolves standoff with lingering elderly


The article does not say!

That if it is about seniors coming in during non-peak hours or not.

But! From working at McD’s! I know that in the mourning most of them do come in and order their food and sit and just talk.

What is the problem?


During peak hours that I can see!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Photos: Recreational marijuana sales open in Colorado


Photos: Recreational marijuana sales open in Colorado

A day in which us latter day hippies would only dream or have nightmares about!


Given the fact that!

All of us are hoping for when all 50 states will follow Colorado's lead.


If the states see it the way all of Colorado does as both medicinal and recreational.


But! More of a way to find additional revenue for all levels of Gov’t.!


I cannot help but think that!

The drug dealers will invade the consumer mkt. and monopolize the new industry!